Malibu Dive Access

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Melvin on October 09, 2002 at 08:02:04:

Yesterday i went to Malibu Road diving, just as I did on Sunday evening. We were suiting up ap and just about to put on our tanks when the LA County Lifeguard truck pulled up across from us on the two lane road. I heard somthiing go clang, and so whent to "say hi" to the lifeguards. They had justlocked the gate to the beach! Not even a hey guys were closing up.

Why do the public access to the public beaches on Malibu Road close at sundown? The lifeguards say it is because the residents complain. We were not being noisy and hey, if you buy a house on the sand of a beach that belongs to the public, then you have to expect teh public to use it.

Bummer, so we had to load up all our gear and go to Leo Carillio. Saw some huge halibut tht appeared to be a little over 3.5 to 4 feet long and 18 inches or so wide. Absolutly huge. Caught two lobsters, both just a hair short, so nothing to come home with. Diving was great.

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