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Posted by Todd on October 23, 2002 at 09:48:56:

In Reply to: Mask Removal Panic posted by Todd on October 22, 2002 at 12:25:07:

Thanks to everyone for the comments. I spent some time this morning in the pool swimming with just a snorkle and no mask. I hated the feeling but after a few laps, it became just mildly annoying. Then using a snorkle, I practiced flooding my mask, waiting a few seconds, removing it, and then replacing and clearing. This didn't seem nearly as bad as I knew I could always just clear my mask if I got panicky. Also, there was no difference in feeling between a flooded mask and no mask so the shock of rushing water was eliminated. I'm still concerned with the cold water of the Pacific which I'll do this weekend, but all of the advise has really helped. Thanks again.

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