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Posted by finfan on November 04, 2002 at 08:30:52:

None of us (either for or against the reserves) will ever see any significant impact and spillover unless other initiatives are implemented. The reserves alone won't do it here in SCB. We need tougher pollution controls, a better managed DFG, controls on the commercials and rec limits and take. That means we need a gov that really wants to improve the oceans and not just do something to get certain people's vote.

The post below regarding our present gov gets it! The reserves were all about politics and they are being disguised as the solution. It's only a start. Maybe if both sides could stop finger pointing and name calling we could get the real problems under control that ultimately would allow the reserves to do what they are intent on doing.

Steve had the only pure point in the whole string and all it got him was labeled by some of the other "characters" that frequent this board.

See you underwater, if we are still allowed to dive in So Cal.

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