Re: Aquarium of the Pacific Advice Requested, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by Ken Kurtis on November 08, 2002 at 12:04:12:

In Reply to: Aquarium of the Pacific Advice Requested posted by Kevin H2O on November 08, 2002 at 10:32:14:

Either get there at 9AM or go late in the day (AoP closes at 6PM). Not sure how the rain will affect crowds.

First diver feeds are at 9:45A (Blue Cavern) and 10:30A (Tropical Reef). Plop yourself down in front of the acrylic for a great view. YUou can get a schedlue listing al the feeds/talks for the day. Cafe Scuba (upstairs) is good for lunch.

Just plan to meander through. It's basically a self-guided tour. If you want to spend the extra $15ish, take the Behind-the-Scenes Tour, which includes the Dive Locker and other areas off-limits to the public, plus you get to feed nori to the animals in the Tropical Reef exhibit.

Ken Kurtis
AoP Volunteer Diver
Thursday AM Team leader

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