Re: You would do that to a Friend?

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Eric S on November 10, 2002 at 22:29:54:

In Reply to: You would do that to a Friend? posted by bleachers on November 10, 2002 at 08:55:26:

The owner of the boat has been around for a long time running fishing charters and now whale watch tours during the closures.
He sees the end of the line in party boat fishing as the limits get cut and and fishing closures happen. Diving probably will be the last hope to keep the boat from remaining docked and growing barnacles. He sees eco tourism as the only thing to keep things going. The only thing is, he knows nothing about diving or even where to dive, but I do.

But, the only question I ask myself is, do I really want a lot of people up here or should I keep it a secret and not tell anyone. Maybe I should not report on places like Delgada or Colby and just let people find that stuff out for themselves (if they ever do).
Well I'm not that selfish. You would not be reading reports about diving up here or be invited to the Vandamme party if I was. I want to share with people what I think is killer diving.

Maybe you guys are right and the whole idea of a dive operation is full of holes and it would be a financial disaster. I hate to admit it, but somehow in my gut I think you're right.
Well then, maybe I should just leave well enough alone with what I've got and just remind everyone that the offer still stands, if anyone's up this way and want's to see what I'm always bellowing about, then I'll hook MY boat up and we'll go diving! For free!!
All you have to do is ask.


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