I just sent an email to F&G

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Posted by msblucow on November 21, 2002 at 08:56:40:

In Reply to: 110 UNDERSIZED lobsters taken by trap. Put DFG & Wilson under pressure posted by Jb22 on November 21, 2002 at 08:26:10:

I sent a letter to Carrie Wilson, the spokesperson listed in the article:

Dear Ms. Wilson,

I am a recreational diver and avid underwater photographer who dives primarily in Southern California. Recently I learned about the 2
commercial lobstermen in Orange County who were caught with an illegal catch of short lobsters. In the article I read, it stated that the lobstermen were libel for about a $1000 fine and six months in jail. Nowhere in the article did it say that their fishing license will be revoked. As someone who is deeply concerned about the state of our local
waters, this bothers me. I am hoping that this was just an omission on the reporter's part. I would hate to think that these two, if found guilty, could still retain their license and potentially continue their illegal activity.

I would greatly appreciate it if you would let me know whether or not they will be keeping their license. There are a great many folks like me
who are keeping track of this case and have a vested interest in its outcome.

Thank you,

Marta Evry
Venice, CA

We'll see if I get a reply. If I do, I'll post it and encourage everyone on this board to send their own email.

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