The problem as i see it

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Brad on November 30, 2002 at 14:15:45:

In Reply to: Re: i don't understand the rhetoric of the opposition posted by Chris on November 26, 2002 at 21:32:40:

*The rec community declared "war" against the reserves instead of commercial exploitation*

They simply squandered all of that time and energy on a campaign based entirely on self-interest rather than focusing on the REAL problems.

The net result is continued commercial exploitation and a coalition of rec interests that are now going to further alienate themselves from the cause of pure conservation with this lawsuit.

I believe that if the recs had accepted the reserves on principle, they would now be in good standing to do battle against commercial interests with a collective righteous indignation formitable enough to make meaningful inroads against the exploitation.

Follow the hype....

If you disagree, i welcome your thoughts and ideas, because pointless criticisms simply do not advance the debate. It is important to hear all points of view on this important topic, particularily from the opponents of the reserves...

Speaking strictly for myself~

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