This was the plan.....

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Posted by seahunt on January 10, 2003 at 12:07:01:

In Reply to: You're a better man than I, seahunt. posted by Chuck Tribolet on January 10, 2003 at 10:57:03:

I don't think I would try to fin it, but according to Mr. Kane, a scooter with a big battery could almost make it that distance, but not quite. That was 2 years ago. Who knows about now with better batteries. Navigation would not be that simple, but should be doable. A rebreather should do the trick. There would be little margin for error.
Notice on your chart, just a bit to the south of that line, is a bit of a sea mount in deeper water..... then look at this link. It is the story of that trip. :)
Enjoy the diving, seahunt

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