Re: Sheesh, you got an expensive boat.

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Posted by Seaswirl on January 10, 2003 at 17:34:14:

In Reply to: Sheesh, you got an expensive boat. posted by Chuck Tribolet on January 10, 2003 at 15:59:00:

One of the best things I spent my money on is the training classes at Cypress College for marine engines & lower unit (outdrive) training. All of these systems are quite easy to work on & the specialized stuff you can take to a professional. At least if you have an outdrive problem you can remove the drive and tear down to the broken part and save $$ & time from labor costs (this is the killer). 75 to 150 dollars an hour for labor, my personal time is worth this.

You guys with the 12k costs for repairs, your boats are in a slip, not a 25 foot trailer boat. Haul outs are big $$.

As for the C.G., yes life threating they will respond, but only 15% of all calls on the water for help are life threating situations. The calls that kill me are "help, I'm lost in the fog and I don't know how to use my GPS & I don't have charts on board". Kill me in the gut from laughing!

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