Re: Genesis of the Reef Seekers out-of-air policy

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Posted by Jeff on January 19, 2003 at 23:37:31:

In Reply to: Genesis of the Reef Seekers out-of-air policy posted by Ken Kurtis on January 19, 2003 at 14:39:48:

Hi Ken (et al):
Toward the exchange of ideas, & from the vantage of a “newbie” diver, I’d like to comment.

As I recall, from both my o.w. course (SSI, April of 2000) & a.o.w. course (PADI, Aug 2001), we were taught Never to run a tank out of air for two reasons. First & most obvious, the personal danger; second, the potential for damage to the tank….

My question is regarding the scenario you created in court. Would you ever be considered to be, as either the Captain or the DM, in the same capacity as an instructor who has the authority to pass or fail the student? I think not. I would see you as, rather, a “leader” & one to whom I’d look for advice/guidance/suggestions, but not as the “police” who would stop me from possibly hurting myself on a future dive……

It seems that with putting yourself in that situation (as “police” – whether Captain or DM) , you might also be liable for the diver who drowned because he didn’t follow his tables, dove too soon, & got dcs/bent while down on dive # 2 ((is that even possible??)) The attorney would say “why didn’t you stop him?”

As someone who “passed” the course, I believe that I have been found to be capable of making the decision for myself as to further dives; that’s not to say that some of us “newbies” do not make stupid mistakes & decisions – but I have chosen to take the risk inherent to scuba diving upon myself.

As a Registered Nurse, I have the license to obtain the narcotic from the drawer, & inject it into the patient, per the physician’s order. However, if I’m a nurse w/ poor judgement, & fail to question the order (that was mistakenly written by the exhausted physician that was for “the wrong amount”) & give it anyway, I am still the one responsible, not the physician. Under my training, I am required by my license to do what any other nurse with the same training would do - & that includes not following a questionable order . . . . .

I chose to be responsible for my own actions, & I take that responsibility seriously, in my nursing practice, too.

Anyhow, this from a newbie……..

jeff in landlocked (dammit) arizona

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