Adult conversation

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Posted by Wayne on January 21, 2003 at 13:44:38:

In Reply to: Re: Board Editing posted by Steve on January 21, 2003 at 08:02:06:

In my professional life and in almost all of my public adult conversations, my language would not trigger the censor software. I would suspect that the same is true for almost all adults. If not, maybe it should be.

My children cannot log onto the "other" board as it is filtered out. They can log into this board. I like that. I have four diving daughters and while I'll bet they have all heard such words, to see them used here could skew their thinking about the prevelance of profanity in normal adult conversations.

I am glad that this place is one where we are encouraged to act like adults and not try to sound like a fourteen year old boy trying to impress his peers with his fluency of language.


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