Thanks, I guess...

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Posted by Mountain Diver on January 27, 2003 at 10:10:13:

In Reply to: Personal compressors? posted by Mountain Diver on January 22, 2003 at 11:16:27:

Thanks to those who offered some suggestions. I am only looking for a means to fill a scuba tank with air at home for my own personal needs.

I live up in the hills (4000 feet in elevation) and 200+ miles from the coast, so I don't get to dive the ocean all that much (but I like to). I do have access to hundreds of lakes up around where I live that make for nice impromtu dives when the mood strikes me (about once a week).

This is just recreational diving at its best, and I wasn't looking for a means for trimix gas fills. Not too many ship wrecks up here that I've come across, although I did find a row boat once at the bottom of Blue Lake! :-)

There are lots of lakes with "history" up the in the Sierra foothills (and mountains), some with mining sites. While it's not the ocean, it is California diving!

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