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Posted by bughunter on January 28, 2003 at 21:00:12:

It was my 5th time going for Lobster with a hoopnet. I was using a combination of Mackeral and squid, and the weather was warm. After pulling up numerous spider crabs and some small rock crabs, we had victory at last! Finally, a bug managed to make its way into my net, and we pulled him up. After measuring him, I found that he was about 0.01" short, but decided to put him back anyway. Figure it's alwqays better to be safe than sorry.

Then, after about another hour, we pulleed up the net to hear the flapping of a lobster tail, it was very exciting to see what we would get. Turns out, it was a bug that was almost a half inch over legal at the Carapace. Very nice to see this worked, after so many people said I am wasting my time.

Keep getting as many bugs as we can! Might as well enjoy this hobby, before the commercial guys wipe it out of extinction, just like they did to the abs!

Dive right, and dive often

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