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Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Bob3 on March 05, 2003 at 11:17:26:

In Reply to: Hmmmm.... posted by seahunt on March 05, 2003 at 08:03:54:

I use the "Giant UDT" version, they do take a little getting used to but after you do, you can chase down bugs that try & get away. Good for towing boats, too.
Voit made a newer production of the smaller ones, they're very popular with the boogie board crew. Morey is even making a couple versions of the Churchills.
If you're not in the habit of wearing wetsuit boots, the critters should work out well for you.
I'm not sure what my current stock is out here in CA but the nect time I get into the shop I'll take a look-see.
You may want to make a visit to your local surf shop.
What size feet do you have?

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