Andrew Georgitsis & MHK discuss GUE's new Rec TriOx course

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Posted by Roger Bly on March 17, 2003 at 17:28:50:

San Diego Underwater Explorers is pleased to present Andrew Georgitsis, Training Director of Global Underwater Explorers (GUE) and Michael Kane, GUE Instructor, discussing GUE's new Recreational TriOx course.

Andrew and Michael's presentation will cover GUE's motivation for creating the Recreational TriOx course, the benefits of TriOx, debunking the Myths about TriOx, and other fun stuff. Those of you that attended Andrew s Britannic presentation last year know that he is a great speaker.

On John Moore s recent local survey, over 100 divers expressed interest in a recreational trimix course ( Trimix is now available at several San Diego dive shops at recently reduced prices and is a great diving gas for our local canyons and deeper wrecks. Please come hear what Recreational Trimix has to offer and decide whether it is the right training for you.

-- A diving video by Perry Armor.
-- General Club updates on projects, goals, plans, etc.

Monday March 24th, 7:00 PM.
Marina Village, conference room C-8
Marina Village is located on Mission Bay at 1936 Quivira Way, San Diego, CA 92109.
For directions see:

This is an open meeting, everyone is invited to attend.

For more info please contact me

Roger Bly
Meeting Coordinator
San Diego Underwater Explorers

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