Re: Has anyone dove Malibu beeach today?

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Posted by Melvin Pasley on March 22, 2003 at 18:38:20:

In Reply to: Has anyone dove Malibu beeach today? posted by Brian C. on March 19, 2003 at 14:48:28:

3/22/03 Dove at 11:00 a.m. 24424 Malibu Road. Vis was 5-8 with 3-5 foot waves. Surge of 2-3 feet. Went out into 30+ feet of water to see if we could get better vis, that is were the 8 foot (maybe) came in. But at that depth, there is only a sand bottom, and no kelp.

Sand beach is a good 4 feet lower that it was just 2 weeks ago. It is amazing how much this dive site can change. The beach gains or looses up to 4 feet of altitude depending upon conditions.

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