Chamber Challenge update #1

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Posted by Chamber day/Eve 2003 on March 30, 2003 at 14:17:58:

The Chamber Challenge represents a fun and exciting part of Chamber Day, not only because of the competitive nature that sometimes creeps in (with people "challenging" their friends to match their donation) but also because these funds provide "unrestricted" monies to our Chamber.

Even though our Chamber gets an annual grant from LA County (and who know what the future may hold for that, given the budget crisis), it doesn't cover everything. And the Chamber must still raise a large portion of the annual budget from other sources. Chamber Day plays a large role in that, and the Chmaber Challenge represents a significant part of the total Chamber Day monies rasied.

Last year, we rasied over $23,000 from you and your fellow divers. This year, we're asking you to contribute again. We suggest a $100 contribution but we're happy to take donations larger or smaller. Whatever works for you. Note that you can make a donation either by calling 310/652-4990 or through the secure server on our website (link listed below).

And we're very pleased to let you know that, due to the generosity of those listed below, we're starting off at $2000. We've got a ways to go to beat last year so . . . WHO'S NEXT?????

Ken Kurtis
Chairman, Chamber Day/Eve 2003
(Updated & posted as of 3/30/03 1:45PM - last posted )

TOTAL TO DATE - $2,0000

New contributors:
Kendall Raine - $1000
Reef Seekers Dive Co. - $500
Jim Krasne - $500

Donors to date:

*** GOLD [$1000 and up] ***
Kendall Raine

*** SILVER [$500 and up] ***
Reef Seekers Dive Co.
Jim Krasne

*** BRONZE [$100 and up] ***

Other contributors [less than $100]

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