my 2 cents my 2 cents my 2 cents

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Robert M on April 03, 2003 at 13:27:29:

In Reply to: Re: Fu*****DM's posted by Captain Tim on April 01, 2003 at 15:01:38:

Most DMs don't realize the impact they can have on a new diver and what an ass they can look like to an experienced diver. "C" cards, clipboards and an audited don't make a DM.

It is a shame that this issue keeps coming up. Dive Masters serve a purpose and it is situations like-this that make captains not want to instill them with any authority and look at them as a necessary evil.

Being a DM requires the ability to communicate with open-water divers afraid and very experienced (more than themselves) divers all while keeping track of the location and head count of the charter.

Training 2.5 months (weekends only) and 50 dives is a ridicules minimum requirement. But that is just me feeling....

Tim, If you adapt the policy of those boats, I would be happy to be on the rotation.


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