Opening Ab day

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Posted by Eric S on April 07, 2003 at 22:01:58:

Last Tuesday a buddy and I played hookey and split out to the
ocean to pry off a few snails.
The ocean was OK, 5-6 foot swells and white caps starting up
9:00 am. We geared up and got in. The first thing I noticed was
how clear the water was. No plankton. As we finned out a ways
I could easily see the bottom in 20 feet of water. I noticed a lot of
fish. I could also see many nice abs from the surface. We dove for probably an hour or so, my buddy got his 3 very quickly,
he gets seasick so he doesn't waste any time. I on the other hand love to do freedive after freedive and scout an area for a
long time looking for the hogs. This time I didn't come across any over 8.5 so I pried 3 of the nicest I could find.
Let me tell you, after not having abalone all winter, when I put
that first fork full of fresh tender flavorfull ab into my mouth cooked with
lemon butter garlic and followed with with a sip of merlot, it was
absolute ecstasy.

I hope all you bug catchin' SoCalers are good and jealous
cuz it's OUR turn now baby!

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