The Los Angeles County Underwater Instructor Course

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Posted by Chris Knight - UICC 4806 on April 11, 2003 at 18:28:46:

The Los Angeles County's 50th Underwater Instructor Certification Course Graduation Banquet was held 5 April at The Los Angeles Athletic Club to aknowledge the hard work put forth by both candiates and staff over this years program. Over the course of this years 14-week program, these candidates spent hundreds of hours in pool, lecture, and ocean time, not to mention additional hours preparing their own lectures and academic paperwork. It's no small accomplishment as more than a few of you know from firsthand experience. I just wanted to take a moment of your time to aknowledge and introduce to you the candidates and staff of 50 UICC:

Candidates and staff were as follows:

Douglas Atwater
Nikki Carelli
Joe Chen
Daniel Guevera
Ingrid Hyross
Roger Kintz
Kevin Liu
Don Loritz
Jim Mc Micken
Brian Merrigan
Stephan Mendel
Alan Miki
Wai Ki Tang
Oscar Villagomez
Day Vinson
Jason Dante(x)

Course Director Tim Tarry

Dive Masters David Bunch & Joe Takahashi

Assistants Mike Baluvelt Pat Burke Don Dietrich Ken Haraikawa Brian Kiefer Patty Matus
Doug Mechaber Brett Morales

The following awards were also announced:

UICC Awards:
Outstanding Watermanship Nikki Carelli
Outstanding Teaching Stephen Mendel
Outstanding Graduate Dan Loritz

UIA Awards:
Education Award Jeff Bozanik
Golden Snorkel Ken Haraikawa
Founders Award David Golden
Presidents Award David Bunch
Outstanding Service Award Tammy Terry
Outstanding Instructor Brad Johnson

Department Awards
Conrad Limbaugh Bill Lidyoff

The Underwater Instructor Association Board would also like to thank the following for donations of prizes for both the silent auction and raffle:
West Coast Diver Supply
20th Century Fox (Day Vincent)
Los Angeles County Lifeguards
Fire and Ice
Bill Lidyoff

For any of you graduates who would like to get help out with future programs, check out our website at or feel free to contact me directly. We'd love to have you back. The Advanced Diver Program starts July 12.

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