Flatrock Report

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by Rich K on April 20, 2003 at 18:37:56:

Freedove Flatrock this morning, hoping for a white sea bass, I've been hearing reports of a few taken from PV and have been too busy working to have any fun. So when we got there and found the water to be a beautiful shade of pea green, it was out of shear desperation to swim the we even went in, knowing that WSB love green water, I thought, hey, you never know. Got started with an easy entry off the rocks into some really nice water temperature wise, however the vis was even worse than it looked like from to top of the hill, maybe 8 ft. But I am desperate so off I go looking for some cleaner water in a sea of some of the $#!%iest water I've been into in a long time. Swam out to the outside of the kelp bed to the north and suddenly got a very fishy feeling, then apearing right in front of me is about a 30-40 lb. WSB. Well he saw me first, but it gave me hope to keep looking. A few minutes later I came on a pair swimming about 5 ft. down and when I pointed my gun at the one in back, it spooked and took off like a shot. Kept looking and only seconds later there sitting right in front of me, broadside, and unaware of me {thanks to green camo}was another one. So I take the shot and hit him high right behind the head and he takes off running for the bottom, and I go after him grabbed through the gills and hit the surface a happy man. Had a nice fresh grilled fish easter dinner with little sashimi on the side. Not a trophy but 20 lbs. at 38" {I'll take it for the first of the year}

Have fun,

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