a Tanner Bank incident

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Posted by Chris on April 23, 2003 at 20:53:23:

In Reply to: Near Miss posted by Tribes on April 22, 2003 at 10:09:50:

Several years ago I was DMing on the Great Escape. The trip was to Tanner Bank. On the trip there was an instructor, and an advanced student. It was the students first boat trip since basic certification. The instructor decided to take a video camera along on the dive, even though it was an instructional dive, at an advanced deep dive site, with a current. When the student jumped in after the instructor, she panicked. Since the instructor had his hands full with his video camera, I had to jump in and rescue his student. I got her back to the swim step and calmed her; he went off and did the dive alone. He seemed to me a prime example of an irresponsible instructor.

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