Re: The Captain's (GOOD) Call

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Randy on April 27, 2003 at 13:45:17:

In Reply to: Re: The Captain's Call posted by Phyll on April 25, 2003 at 15:02:51:

I agree with the Captain's decision to turn back based upon the weather and conditions. If I was on a dive boat that continued in conditions that are too rough, I would not book that boat again in the future. I know that my opinion of what weather and conditions are "too rough" is my opinion, but it is based upon a lifetime of boating, prior experience in rough seas.

Good judgment is based upon training and experience, and I would not go on a boat again with a Captain that has demonstrated bad judgment. I have booked the Great Escape many times for Dive Classes and fun dives. I have full confidence in the Captain's judgement and skills, and never have been on a trip on the Great Escape that I thought should have been canceled.

I have been on other boats that have turned back after clearing the harbor - for good reason, and I fully support the decision to turn back, even when it meant that I had to drive to Lake Perris to complete a student's Open Water dives so they could take their certification card with them on a pending vacation.

Remember this: Diving is supposed to be fun. If it's not fun, people will not continue to dive.


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