Re: Valient

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Posted by Eric Frasco on May 02, 2003 at 10:48:12:

In Reply to: Re: Valient posted by jlyle on May 02, 2003 at 08:47:27:


Jim is right, you must fill out a form with the Harbormaster to get permission to dive the wreck, which is underneath mooring buoys outside the park at Casino Point (off Descanso Beach). You have virtually no chance to dive it between Memorial Day and Labor Day due to hightened boat traffic.

A lot more information is available (including buoy number information) at the California Wreck Divers Web site, which has a page dedicated to the Valiant at:

Best time to dive it is mid week as weekends have too much boat traffic and the Harbormaster doesn't want any accidents. Send me an eMail if you want more information. I am frascouwe on aol.


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