Re: The Captain's Call

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by tleemay on May 02, 2003 at 12:23:31:

In Reply to: Re: The Captain's Call posted by Phyll on April 25, 2003 at 15:02:51:


I told Capt Tim I would not respond to this thread.
Sorry Capt., but I did give it a week before I
finally gave in.

Which Chris was it that said we could have made it?
You see, I was on the boat that day (and the
evening before) and remember there being two Chris'
on the boat? Which one are you referring to?

I can't for the life of me understand why you would
air out such a slam against the GE and it's Captain
for no other reason that you felt that the Captain
wasted your time. You have to remember that there
were others involved in that trip that also lost
their time, money, fuel and food stores. You only
lost the chance to dive that day - as far as I
know you didn't lose any money, fuel or stores.
Without getting into specifics, the GE, her Capt and crew took it in the shorts much more than the
divers on board that day.

The sign of an experienced and successful CA charter boat diver is persistence. Booking on
those boats that can possibly make the destination
you seek. San Clemente, SBI, Farnsworth, Cortez,
Tanner, Osborne etc is important and increases your
chances for success. Some sites are easier to reach
than others in certain conditions. The success of
reaching those sites depends heavily on how often
you book such trips. The reward is that you do make
the desired destination. It might take 1 or up to
5 or 6 times trying for the wanted site depending
on the time of year. SO what if you don't reach you
target the first time. Chances are you will up
somewhere else and that usually means Catalina.

The Sea Divers are one of the more experienced
clubs in Southern California. They should
collectively understand what is entailed to try for
destinations like SBI. I strongly suggest you
approach Alan and give him your complaint first
hand if you haven't already done so. Alan was
primarily involved with the Captain in making the
decision to turn back that day for the sake and
safety of all on board.

As a very well experienced boat diver and crew
member on more than one diveboat with thousands of
hours of sea time, the decision to blow off SBI for
Cat, and then blow off Cat was the correct decision
- period.

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