Dive Report: Catalina on the Great Escape

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Chirs on May 20, 2003 at 02:30:46:

Last Sunday, May 16, 2003, I went to Catalina on the Great Escape.
Our first dive was at Isthmus Reef. For this dive I decided to try put my wide angle lens.
The visibility was not great, perhaps 30 feet or so, the water definitely had a bit of a green tint to it.

However the water temperature was a very comfy 58 °F.
The first good use of the wide angle lens was for this picture of a red gorgonian on the west wall of Isthmus Reef.
 red gorgonian
I also got a picture of a rock scallop (Crassedona giganteum) and a fragile rainbow star (Astrmetis serulifera).
rock scallop (Crassedona giganteum)          fragile rainbow star (Astrmetis serulifera)
This rockfish also decided to cooperate for a photo op.

Between dives I took a few pictures on the surface, including this one of the Island Diver six pack out of Redondo.

Our second dive was also at Isthmus reef, but this time I elected to take my macro lens.
I believe this is a Terebellid Worm (Thelepus crispus).
 Terebellid Worm (Thelepus crispus)
This next picture is of some cup corals.

I had to take the macro lens off for this shot of the 65 foot cave. Unfortunately the 12 lb. bug behind these did not come out in the picture.

This cave goes back about 12 feet and opens up into a small room that is about 5 feet across and 4 feet high. It also has another passage that leads farther back into the reef.
With the macro lens I got several close ups of this Apolemia uvara.
Apolemia uvara
I also got a shot of a hermit crab.
hermit crab
After the second dive Captain Tim moved the boat to the old rock quarry.
The beach was covered in flowers.
The Sun Diver was anchored nearby.
Sun Diver
On this dive I opted for the wide angle lens again.
Surprisingly the visibility here was a bit better than at Isthmus Reef, and the water was a very comfortable 58 °F.
I dropped down under the boat and encountered a large rock at 75 feet. This rock had a large eye bolt in the side with a short piece of chain attached.

It also had a couple of nice gorgonian sea fans on it as well.
There was a large school or sardines that O took several pictures of and a Quick Time Movie.

Perhaps my favorite picture from the trip is this pair of Garibaldi.
It was a nice trip, and one I especially appreciated because four of my last six trips were cancelled due to weather.
All of my pictures from the trip can be found here:

Pictures from Isthmus Reef and the Old Rock Quarry at Catalina Island

....... Chris

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