Re: I did and you seem not to understand, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by Jim Hoffmann on May 23, 2003 at 12:32:33:

In Reply to: I did and you seem not to understand posted by Chris on May 23, 2003 at 11:12:42:

Look I'm not trying to protect IMS. I did talk to them because I was concerned (since I have NAUI store and instructor insurance).
What they said made since to me(and it was written on the policy).
The additional insured are protected from the insured actions. The additional insured are not protect from there own actions, on this policy.
I guess what it came down to was that both the DM and the boat were sued separately for there actions, so the boat as an additional insured was not covered.
That's why you need over lapping coverage’s.
I didn’t ask about the boat’s not being cover on the new policy’s.
By the way, this discussion has gone all the way to the top at NAUI. If you have questions call and ask for Jed (he’s the VP and he runs the show).


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