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Posted by Disgusted Customer on May 28, 2003 at 00:01:38:

In Reply to: TRIP PLANNED ON "IRON EAGLE" posted by JUDI BROOKS on May 22, 2003 at 10:11:47:

Run like Hell. Go find someone else, you will be better for it. It's not the boat itself that has the problem, but the people who run it. It starts with the booking people and eventually runs downhill to the captain and crew.

All of the bad press the Iron Eagle has earned has been warranted. Dan will tell you he is being singled out because of jealous competitors. He has whined and cried to his local representation out of desparation to stem the PR bleeding. He will say anything to discredit past customers and their experiences with the Iron Eagle. The simple truth is that some of us have been out with them. Some of us (me included) more than once. My expereinces both times were miserable.

There is one good thing for the Iron Eagle and Dan while running trips in Loreto. No Coast Guard inspections to worry about.

Some post script here. Contrary to published propaganda, incinerating heads do smell. They smell worse than the standard boat head.

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