Fish Identification Lecture - FREE - Saturday June 28

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Eric Frasco on June 23, 2003 at 13:47:11:


On Saturday, June 28th from 12 noon - 5 p.m. there will be a FREE fish identification lecture. The lecture is sponsored by GLACD - the Greater Los Angeles Council of Divers (, in cooperation with the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium. Although there is no cost for the lecture, you will have to pay for parking. Cabrill Marine Aquarium is located at 3720 Steven White Drive in San Pedro. For directions:

We will set up at 12 noon, with the lecture starting at 1 p.m. After the lecture, we will go into the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium and practice your newly learned identification skills.

This is the fourth annual GLACD Fish ID lecture. You will learn to identify fish and how you can participate in the GAFC - "the Great Annual Fish Count." Every year in July, divers all over the world conduct surveys on fish populations. The information is collected and processed by REEF ( and provides important information about fish population abundances and changes over time.

To register, go to the GAFC registration site:

Non-divers are welcome to come as well. When visiting the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium, we suggest a small donation to help fund their continued existence.

Eric Frasco
President, GLACD

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