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Posted by Chris on July 14, 2003 at 11:22:05:

In Reply to: any ordinary BodyGlove or ONeill or Scubapro should work posted by Karl S. on July 13, 2003 at 09:04:40:

An off the shelf wetsuit works for some people, but not all, that is why a custom wetsuit is a good option for many. I have never had an off the shelf suit fit will.
My girlfriend hated local diving until I got her a custom wetsuit. Now she stays warm and loves our local diving.
Drysuits are great for some types of diving, but not all. The increased drag and seal vulnerability makes them low on the list for things such as bug hunting. In addition, it also takes a greater skill level to use a drysuit, thus I contend they are not practical for many people.

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