Italian Gardens Catalina 20 Jul 03 Dive report

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Melvin on July 20, 2003 at 20:46:58:

Dive Site: Italian Gardens Catalina
Dive Time: 10:24 A.M. to 11:11 A.M. 7/20/03
Visibility: 10-15
Max Depth 47 feet
Water Temp max depth: 64 Suunto degrees
Water Temp above 34 feet was in the 66-68 range but
Air Temp 68 Suunto Degrees
Surge: None
Sightings: usual suspects, opal eye, blacksmith, California sheep head, halfmoon calico bass.

Sighted so many Mola on the sail over and back I lost count. 6 or 7 in one group and several single ones.

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