Re: Malibu Shark Pen

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Posted by GreenTrees on August 01, 2003 at 23:08:29:

In Reply to: Re: Malibu Shark Pen posted by Stephen Clark on July 31, 2003 at 19:06:29:

According to Tom, the Marine Biologist that runs the Kelp reforestation project for Baykeeper, That pen is part of a trap. On my last kelp dive we took a look at it since it was a just off of where the kelp study sites are. The Idea is that there were two long nets protruding from the pen, the Juvinile shark would come across the net, turn to go around it, following along untill it swum into the pen. then be stuck in the pen (similar to lobster's stuck in lobster traps). No baiting or chumming was being used,

The trapping is being done by the monterey aquarium for "scientific" purposes, or as a crowd draw.

I usually learn or see some new interesting thing diving with the marine biologist.

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