coastal access

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by NA on August 11, 2003 at 13:21:06:

Trails to the beach along the California coast have provided recreational opportunities for hiking, picnicking, fishing, swimming, surfing, diving, viewing and nature study. California law provides that under certain conditions, long term public access across private property may result in the establishment of a permanent public easement.
The California Coastal Commission researches and inventories the historic public use of areas with the potential for significant public access benefits.
The most important source of evidence is from the public, persons familiar with the past and current uses of the property. Public participation is critical to establishing the right to continued public use.

You can help the California Coastal Commission by reviewing their list of access locations currently under study by the Commission.

If you have used any of these areas, please take a few moments to print, complete, sign and return the Questionnaire and Declaration to:
Joy Chase
Coastal Access Program
California Coastal Commission
725 Front Street, Suite 300
Santa Cruz, California, 95060.

For more information or to receive hard copies of the questionnaires, please contact Joy Chase at

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