Van Damme Party: Last call

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Eric S on August 17, 2003 at 10:56:20:

Next weekend is my 3rd annual North Coast Party at Vandamme State campground. I will be there Thursday August 21st to start the 4 days of hell fun.
We will be Ab diving, tank diving, tech diving, spearing, cookin' and eatin'.
People will be there from all over the state and possibly even out of state.
If you ever wanted to dive the north but don't know anybody or don't know where to go this is the perfect introduction. We are all a very friendly group up here and greatly enjoy introducing new people to the area.
It is sort of late in the game for campsite availability, but if you want to check go to and follow the links.
There is a full service dive shop in Ft. Bragg (Sub Surface progression) and kayak rentals in three different locations. It is a remote part of the state so there are no dive operations. As far as access to dive spots you either need a boat, kayak, or shore dive.
A good guide is Bruce Watkins' book "Divers guide to the North Coast."
Remember to bring your licence and punch card for those abs and read ALL the info in the regulation book regarding bag limits and
possessions, and methods of take.

Anybody who has already booked a site or plans to be there please respond to this post or shoot me an e-mail so I can keep track of what's going on.


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