SECOND STAGE trip report - a rave!

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by AADIVER on September 01, 2003 at 15:47:45:

First time out on the SECOND STAGE (Ports O' Call, San Pedro)for a two day-er to San Clemente Isl. with a "crew" of CWD hard core wreckers. Best 6 packer I've EVER been on, thanks to skipper/owner Jeff and crew/chef Jerry. The boat is fast, 3 hours back from the island, and designed by divers for divers both for gear storage and bunk accommodation.
First stop, northwest harbor and a couple o' jumps on the USS JOHN C. BUTLER, terrific viz, then off to the KOKA for a look-see. Saturday night on the hook, then a gambling run down the backside to the USS GREGARY. Conditions marginal, incoming swells building, but tame enough for a couple of "sorties" in heavy, HEAVY kelp. Last stop was Pyramid Cove to look for spent shell casings and hopefully halibut. No halibut but stringers of sheepshead came aboard.
So put together a half dozen dudes and charter Jeff's SECOND STAGE for the finest off-shore diving you ever hope to experience.

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