Dive Reprt: Miguel & Rosa

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Chris on October 16, 2003 at 14:41:37:

On October 7 & 8 I went the Dr. Death trip on the Peace to San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands on the Peace.
We were scheduled to go to Tanner and Cortes Banks, and then San Nicolas Island, but the Navy decided they wanted those areas to themselves those days.
We decided to go to Miguel instead, because there are areas with some very large bugs.
However for the first dive we went to Boomerang. Since there are no bugs there I took my camera and took pictures. There was a huge amount of surge, even at 100 feet, but with the strobe I still managed to get a few pictures.
There was a huge school of shortbelly rockfish just above the pinnacle.

There were also some of these smaller rockfish, which I have not yet identified hiding in crevices.

We then moved info Miguel for bug dives. It was scratch and pick, with few coming up, but those that were caught were nice ones.
On the third dive of the day Dwight caught the winner for the first day, about 9½ lbs.

On the same dive Tom caught this one.

That day I only caught on bug at Miguel, and then I caught one at Talcott on the last dive of the day.
The biggest bug the second day was one just over 9 lbs. That Shel caught.

Although it was tough hunting, it was still a great trip with good people. I ended up with 5, some people got skunked, and I don't think anyone had a limit for both days.

You can see all of my pictures from the trip here:
Dr. Death 2003

© Chris Grossman, diver.net

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