Re:Please don't misunderstand...

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Posted by Kendall Raine on November 04, 2003 at 12:33:17:

In Reply to: Re:Please don't misunderstand... posted by Doug on October 31, 2003 at 19:58:30:

I was responding to legitimate posters, Ken and Elaine. My motive was to point out to people on this board, many of whom carry deep mistrust towards DIR, that those who make the most noise don't necessarily speak for the rest of those that find DIR a great way to dive-certainly that their methods are not endorsed or shared by the majority. As Chris pointed out, associating the messenger with the message is human nature. I think people could learn a lot from it if they could separate the personalities from the content.

As for taking cheapshots at Mike, I have no need to do that. Why do you assume my remarks were directed at Mike, sockpuppet? As for taking him on, where would be the profit in that? He knows my views as I know his. He has nothing I want. What business is it of yours, anyway?

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