Another fun dive at Vets, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by Ross-O on December 10, 2003 at 00:04:08:

Had another good one tonight. Max Depth was about 105 fsw and we were down for an hour. Temp was 59 but the drysuit was nice and toasty. Don and I were one team and Steve, Marci, Andy, and Claudette were team two. There were a few squid here and there. We only saw a couple of egg clusters about the size of a hub cap. Don caught a legal lobster. Saw lots of nifty stuff including free swimming batray, pipe fish, 4 baby horn sharks, dozens of globe crabs, several nice sarcastic frindgeheads, and a 3.5ft - 4ft wide butterfly ray.

The (expletive deleted) squid boat was still dropping seal bombs. We were over a quarter mile away and it was still loud. We noticed that we heard the bomb a few minutes after we heard what we believe to be dolphins squeaking. I wonder if they're bombing dolphins?

Oh yeah, vis was nothing to write home about. It was 15-20 in shallow and dropped to significantly less than 10 at depth.

We followed the dive up with a deco stop at Redondo Beach Brewery.

Good times!

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