Bathymetry of Vets Park, Part 1

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Ross-O on December 31, 2003 at 15:42:32:

Hi Guys,

I've taken an interest in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) to get a better understanding of our dive sites and other goodies in our back yard. Most of us spend a lot of time at Vets park but we probably don't have a very good idea of what it would look like if all the water was drained out and we could see it. Here's a terrian view that I've made from some USGS bathymetric data. The camera is sitting in a helicopter hovering directly over the end of the little jetty south of the pier. The "Z" or vertical axis is exaggerated by 2X in order to better show the canyon.

This clearly shows that the canyon runs straight out in a WSW direction (roughly perpendicular to the beach). It also shows that if you swim straight out the depth will increase linearly to beyond the 100m point.

Happy New Year!
Ross-O (Ross Overstreet)

PS - A big THANK YOU goes out to Chris and for hosting my dive page in 2003.

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