Rapid Neurological Exam Tutorial Online

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Posted by USC Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber on January 12, 2004 at 11:15:33:

The USC Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber announces the posting of a Rapid Neurological Examination Video online at:


Information from a Neurological Examination conducted at the dive site can help determine the presence of a problem and can be of assistance to the physicians who treat the diver. This video and the associated page were designed for the average diver (non-medical professional). They provide basic information to help you perform a quick neurological examination if you suspect someone may be suffering from the bends (decompression sickness), air embolism, or other medical problems following diving. It also provides links to other web sites which provide more detailed information about Neurological Examinations.

Copies of the video in a larger 640x480 format can be obtained from the USC Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber by sending a blank 700 Mb CD-R disk with a self addressed stamped disk mailer to:

USC Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber
P.O. Box 5069
Avalon, CA 90704

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