Doesn't that sound like what a third world country would do?

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Posted by seahunt on January 14, 2004 at 19:23:46:

In Reply to: NEWS: DFG to stop all new MPAs and disband working groups posted by Chris on January 13, 2004 at 09:44:37:

>Department of Fish and Game would receive $271.1 million next year -- a drop of $2.8 million, or about 1 percent, from this year.
So, 1%. The California fisheries are in danger of collapse. They come up with a good plan to prevent it, but less than 1% of the F&G budget is too much. Well, give it a few years and F&G will have no function.
What is the money spent on now and does it do anything for conservation?
>What really hurts, said Sonke Mastrup, acting Fish and Game director, is that the department has lost so much brain power in the marine division because it's unable to replace senior scientists who have retired.
HUH? It's not about the scientists. They are not needed to impliment the plan. If you can't replace senior scientists, that should free up the money needed. At least claim it's about cost of enforcement. That makes some kind of logical sense.
>Our marine region has so many mandates and responsibilities that something had to give,'' Mastrup said.
So, the last best chance for survival of the California fisheries is what gets axed first. Brilliant! What are those mandates and why are they more important?
I am thouroughly disgusted. seahunt

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