Re: Dive computer

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Chris on January 17, 2004 at 02:09:50:

In Reply to: Dive computer posted by Scott on January 16, 2004 at 06:53:48:

I personally do not believe in air integrated computers because computers are one of the most common items to fail. If an air integrated computer fails, not only do you loose your depth and time info, but also your indication of remaining air. Old fashioned pressure gauges rarely fail. If they leak, they will still work for that dive, and for the day. I like to dive with two dive computers, especially on multi-day trips, since if your computer dies you really can’t go to tables for at least 12 hours.
I recently purchased an Veo 200 which I am very happy with. I got the complete console with compass for about $400. You could buy that, plus a hose mounted backup one for less than the air-integrated model.

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