naw... RELAX!!!

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Posted by John M. on January 18, 2004 at 10:03:24:

In Reply to: twice, for a total of five weeks, posted by Chuck Tribolet on January 17, 2004 at 19:22:38:

Fiji is an amazingly laid back, gorgeous place. Save your dive-'til-you-drop trips for more overrun, commercial places and go do Fiji in a more Fijian style... Find yourself a really remote resort, do their two dives a day (generally done by a late lunch) and kick back and relax the rest of the time... beach walk, kayak, hike in the jungle, play in waterfalls, horseback ride... whatever... the rest of the time. And sign up for a couple night dives while you're at it.

You won't remember the last time you were that relaxed...

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