Job at Channel Islands National Park

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Jim on January 30, 2004 at 13:43:05:

Channel Islands National Park is looking to hire a full time Term
Biological Technician (GS-6 level) to help conduct Rocky Intertidal and
Subtidal monitoring in established long-term monitoring programs at the
Park. Job duties will include approximately half time in the field on
multi-day trips aboard boats and on isolated islands, conducting
monitoring using SCUBA and surface-supplied air, identification of
southern California marine organisms, data management using Access, report
writing and more. This is a year round position and may be extended up to
four years. The www address to the position announcement is listed below
as well as the announcement. We recommend that you log on to to find out all appropriate application

The position opened Friday, January 30, 2004 and closes Feb 13, 2004.

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