Re: Mr. Sonke if you please....

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Posted by Chuck Tribolet on February 19, 2004 at 21:28:34:

In Reply to: Mr. Sonke if you please.... posted by seahunt on February 19, 2004 at 06:23:15:

It's pretty obvious to me that if you set the
limits from above current take, by the time the
scientfic+bureaucratic process figures out it's too
high, the population has been whacked off at the

It's the time delay that's important. The reality
is that it takes the scientists at least a couple of
years to decide that the limit is too high, then it
takes the bureaucrats a couple of more years to do
anything about it. Then the courts get involved
for at least a couple of more years. By then the
critter is GONE.

Look at the Monterey anchovies. They still
haven't come back, 50 years later.

Limits should be set from beneath. If you are
a bit wrong, you don't crash the population.


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