Were you on the Valiant on Friday?

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by jlyle on February 23, 2004 at 09:20:46:

We dove the Valiant on Friday from our boat. On the first dive we tied a reel to the mooring chain and then left it on the wreck so that the buddy teams could find their way to and from the wreck. Since we planned a second dive, we left the reel and line in place at the end of the first dive.

During our surface interval, we noticed a couple of divers who were swimming out from Casino Point to do the wreck.

When we did the second dive, we found that our reel had been cut off the end of the line.

If you were one of the divers who "found" our reel, we would like it back. If you hear of someone talking about "finding" a reel on the Valiant, please contact me.

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