Re: hole in heart major cause of the bends

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Posted by John on March 04, 2004 at 10:37:30:

In Reply to: hole in heart major cause of the bends posted by Chris on March 04, 2004 at 08:40:51:

Chris, I would agree wholeheartadly that a PFO is a major risk factor for serious DCS but I would like to add that this is only a factor in the more serious types of hits. DCS can take place with a perfectly good heart too.

DCS is not all that plan and simple. If it were, than we would have figured it how to combat it without exceptions by now. If you have a known PFO, don't dive. Otherwise stay well within you no deco limits and minimize your workload and cut the cheese burgers and fries out of your diet. Furthermore, no PFO test is known to be 100% accurate.

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