A request to Sea Divers members that went to SCI 2/28/04........

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by ChrisM on March 14, 2004 at 16:22:01:

On Feb 28 I went to SCI on the Sundiver, and unfortunately I left a pair of size 13 Rockboots on board. Just discovered Friday nite as I was packing for Saturday's Catalina trip.

The trip was 1/2 open boat, 1/2 SeaD Sea. ABout 1/2 of te open boat portion were friends of mine, I believe a number of the others wre Sea DIvers members, from overhearing conversations. Capt. Ray checked and did not have them in his lost and found. I am contacting the shop to see if they have them as well.

Like I said, Size 13 DUI rockboots, have a four letter reference to a Monterey dive shop (bought them used from a friend) like "MBDC" or something written on them, I frankly don't remember.

I'd like to get them back. So if you, or if someone you know was on that trip, and accidentally picked up these boots, and don't know why you have a pair of Size 13 boots.... Please email me at chris[remove this for spam]@underwaterplanet.com (remove the brackets)

No questions asked, just want my boots back so I don't have to buy new ones.



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