Help with article on poaching

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Steve on March 20, 2004 at 09:21:24:

A student reporter at an unnamed Southern California university in the LA area is working on an article on the poaching of marine creatures in Southern California. I've talked with him. Most of the information I was able to give him was oriented toward San Diego, but I've tried to direct him to people in LA who might have more info about the LA area. I've already given him some contact information at DFG.

If you have information about poaching, particularly if you're a diver who goes out frequently or has information other than about lobster poaching, send me an e-mail and I'll send you his contact information.

He also wanted to get some video of divers hunting for lobster or coming out of the water with lobster. Given that lobster season ended three days ago, anything he shot now would be just a bit TOO topical.

If you have some video you might be willing to share, fire off an e-mail to me and I'll send you his contact information.

San Diego Council of Divers

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