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Posted by Captain Tim on March 23, 2004 at 19:45:06:

Thanks to everyone that is concerned about my "little buddy". All that have been on the GE know how I feel about her, and many, many divers love her as well.
Last week Elaine was kind enough to bring a pic of her. Don't remember if I thanked Elaine for the help or not. Thank you. We went to every place that we could think of and posted the pic. I made a new pic of her. Hopefully someone will see it and call me. I have had several calls, but they are not her.
Came out to the desert today. I hoped Elvira would be on the porch, or at friends house. She is not. I will look for her until Friday when I have to come back to get the boat ready for this weekend.
Also thank you Mikey for shopping and taking care of things.
Captain Tim
Great Escape Charters

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